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    Meet with Matthew

    Matt Rinehart

    Phone: 1-909-448-4055

    Unavailable / Filled
    Not Scheduled

    Interim Director of Admission

    Works with students from: Covina, West Covina, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming

    Hometown: Upland, CA

    College major: BS in Sociology/Anthropology

    What’s the funniest (or most interesting) incident to happen to you during an admissions trip?
    During a trip to Bloomington High School, I was chased by three roosters as I exited my car. I ran halfway up the street before looking back to see if they were still following me. I ended up late for my school visit that morning.

    Favorite spot on campus?
    Fasnacht Court. It’s quiet and peaceful and allows me to clear my mind from time to time.

    Favorite La Verne restaurant?
    Warehouse Pizza. The only problem is that I like it too much.

    What student has impacted you the most at University of La Verne?
    Vanessa Oceguera from Temple City High School. I remember calling to tell her she was admitted and her and her mom had to pull over the car for a moment because they were both so excited.

    Favorite quote?
    “He who laughs lasts.” – Unknown